Cults in New Mexico (Crazy Creepy Cults)

Since I can remember I have always been interested in weird things. I liked books about unexplained phenomena. One of the topics that interested me was the topic of cults. Growing up in the 80s and 90s cults were all over the media. I remember hearing about Jim Jones, The Rajnesshees, and yes the Branch Davidians. I watched the raid on the Branch Davidian compound in horror and awe from the safety of my living room. What drives people to follow these charismatic leaders? Why do they follow them through some pretty insane ideas including mass suicide and abuse? What makes people susceptible to this type of control? This episode will not answer those questions, unfortunately. But it will look at the role of certain cults in the beautiful state of New Mexico. 

Some of the things I love most about New Mexico make this state ripe for this type of activity. New Mexico is the fifth largest state in terms of square miles with a total area of 121,590 square miles. New Mexico is also one of the lowest populated states in the US. With a population of about 2.1 million people, most of them reside in the Albuquerque metro area. The rest of the state is sparsely populated. This leaves lots of open land where a sinister cult could set up their operation. The two cases covered in today’s show are just an example of two cults that either have operated or are still operating in New Mexico. This is not meant to be an exhaustive look at all cults in our state because that would be a very long episode. Today I am joined again by my friend, Lydia and we will be discussing two New Mexico based cults. 

I am Eric Carter-Landin and this is True Consequences. 


Missing: Tara Calico


Justice for Jacob Landin Pt. 3